Saturday, February 14, 2009

El Topo. The greatest movie....ever.

IF you don't know El Topo (1970), I don't blame you. I hadn't either, but watch it. It's on netflix now, so get it. It's a bit bloody, and you need an open mind. It's got so many movie firsts. Alexander Jodorowsky directs it, and couldn't find anyone who wanted to do what he wanted for the role, so he also stars in it. Greatest move. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. geez.. i wonder who would, could, be such a wonderful, artistic, dadaistic, selfless,gracious, beautiful human woulda introuduced you to jodorowsky?

    gratitude is easily shown...Just give that personal lots of oral sex...

    lol, i blame adam chao, madam chao from new York, Productions, he filmed it lived from a midnite movie showing for me, brought to a atonomous mutant festival to oregon, from his house in shot gun creek, just so damn it some hipless humans wouldnt let me see it,orginally..... finally got to see it and the holy mountain and yep.... fando and liz.

    i cant believe you like this one more than the holy mountain?
