Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This is what I pray for..

"The year 2020 will mark the end of the U.S. presidency and the executive branch of the government. Let's just say the American public will finally be fed up by then and leave it at that.
The legislative branch will essential absorb the responsibilities of the executive branch, with a streamlined body of elected representatives, an equal number from each state, forming the new legislature, which will be known simply as the Senate. The "party" system of Democrats, Republicans, Independents, et al., will uncomplicate itself into Liberals and Conservatives, who will debate and vote on each proposed bill and law in nationally televised sessions.
Requirements for Senate candidates will be stringent and continuously monitored. For example, senators will be prohibited rom having any past or present salaried position with any company that has ever had or might ever have a professional or contractual connection to federal, state, or local government, and each senator must submit to random drug and alcohol testing throughout his or her term.
the long-term effects of this reorganized government and closely examined body of lawmakers will be a return of legislative accountability and public trust, and state governments will follow suit no later than 2024 by becoming smaller mirror images of the national Senate.
Among the laws that will be enacted during the Senate's first six-year term will be:
-the flat tax
-tax bonuses for those with careers in the arts, education, law enforcement, and public service
-nation observance of all major holidays celebrated by all major religions, as well as a Day of Rememberance for Holocaust survivors, victimss, and their descendants
-"neutering" of all male and female pedophiles proved guilty by irrefutable evidence as a mandated part of their prison sentence
-a public health care system
-driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, even on the first offense, will result in mandated inpatient rehab and detox, and the immediate seizure and auctioning of the vehicle to defray the rehab and detox expenses

As for a couple of other topics of national interest:
By 2020 we'll see the end of IRAs, mutual funds, pension, and retirement plans, and yes, it's true, the stock market.

And hard as it may be to believe at this moment, by the mid-2020s the global image of the United States will be significantly rehabilitated. What's fascinating is that we'll accomplish this by shifting the vast majority of our humatarianism focus back on our own problems and their solutions. We'll evolve inot a nation that inspires rather than invades and be admired all the more for it."

-S. Browne.

Aside from a couple of detail, I would really like to help towards this "future". And if you do, too look into sites looking to end the federal reserve. Restore the repubic (.net, i think) is a good place to start.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

El Topo. The greatest movie....ever.

IF you don't know El Topo (1970), I don't blame you. I hadn't either, but watch it. It's on netflix now, so get it. It's a bit bloody, and you need an open mind. It's got so many movie firsts. Alexander Jodorowsky directs it, and couldn't find anyone who wanted to do what he wanted for the role, so he also stars in it. Greatest move. Ever.

Friday, February 13, 2009


You know, I try. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but in the end I'm the dumb one for doing so. Are culture is a breeding ground of dumb.
I'm not saying I'm intelligent, or better than anyone else.
But I DO try.
I do my best to be aware of myself and to actively learn. But this is their JOB. And even the manager...

I try to figure me out. Baby steps.

So I hate stupid people, right? Like.....Really.
People are selfish, and I don't blame them. It's in us. It's a part of basic survival. I understand that. But be a little self aware. Ugh.

And I'm not talking about this pic specifically.
It's just to reinforce a point.

I'm been trying to "find myself" for whatever that is worth, or even what it means, for that matter. I'm just starting into Buddha and Taoism and I REALLY like the messages there, along with a few other religions . It could be a phase, it could be my life's focus in the future, but either way it's on my path right now. So I just read a quote from Buddha, and I try to take his teachings to heart.

He says:
"He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye."

Well now that nearly fucks my entire blog's purpose. Now I realize have to readjust my philosophy to justify the making fun of and hating people. How can practice my dislike of humans while keeping my heart where I wish it? Yin yang! Sweet. Thanks, ancient logo designers! Duality of love/hate. If I had one word to label myself, it would be ambivalence. Toward everything, really, but primarily with people in particular.

I like the handiness of the wikipedia quick search, So I put it at the top of my page here. . Any word, any topic, nutshelled in 2 seconds. And fuck people who are against it. As long as you know everything put in by people like you, and it's not perfect, it serves a good purpose. For me.
Speaking of Wiki. I made my first entry into wiki last weeky. I don't know how I feel about that. Ambivalent, I suppose. The fact that I made a contribution towards something that I feel is important, opposed to the fact that if I can do it, any Joe Blow can and have done it, really makes me feel homely about the whole thing. It was about the 8 immortals of ancient chines myth.

Anyway, back to existentialism. I have a steady blog following of 2. One of them is me. I am following myself. Or am I?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is for me, I think to get thoughts out of my head, although I do like to see people open their minds. Maybe this is a good place to do that. And I have a severe frustration with stupid people. Ok, so I'll show stupid people here, to make others want to educate themselves. This blogging thing does work for me.

For now, I think I'm going to put the blogs from myspace here to get used to this, and I think I'll put the relevant pictures to go with them. I think I like that.